Men are the main investors in Bitcoin, is that so?
As it is generally accepted, it is mainly men who buy and sell Bitcoin and generally cryptocurrencies.
But stereotypes were broken by researchers at Grayscale Investments.
According to their numerous opinion polls, it was found that of the active users of Bitcoin and in general cryptocurrencies – 43% are women.
The survey involved more than 1,100 people.
The survey itself was carried out according to the following criteria.
1) Age 25-64 years;
2) Investment assets of $ 10,000 or more;
3) Family income of at least $ 50,000 per year;
Of these, 47% of women and 39% of men constantly monitor the Bitcoin exchange rate for a bargain.
Also, out of 47% of women, almost everyone added that the Bitcoin theme is very interesting and there is an urgent need for increased literacy on the topic of cryptocurrencies.
The topic of cryptocurrencies has wedged quite a bit into the standard life of a large number of people.
All you want to wish, friends, buy and sell cryptocurrency profitably!